










注意: IRB今年夏天不会开会. Requests for approval for summer projects must be submitted one week before the April meeting date.




The North Park University 院校检讨委员会 (NPU IRB) works independently and is comprised of at least five members who are familiar with human-subjects research, 对文化问题敏感, 比赛, 以及社区态度, 促进尊重NPU IRB保护研究受试者的努力. NPU IRB的审批权限, 要求修改, 或不赞成的研究源于联邦法律和机构政策. The NPU IRB is established as a standing committee to review all research involving the participation or use of human and/or animal subjects whenever 1) the research uses NPU resources and/or is conducted by NPU personnel (staff, 管理员, faculty) or students; and 2) the research is aimed at contributing to generalizable knowledge and is to be published or reported. The North Park IRB is registered with the US Health and Human Services (0010370). Our committee’s work is guided by the ethical principles of the Belmont Report and will comply with federal regulations 45 Code of Federal Regulations Part 46 (45 CF$ 46). 我们的联邦保险(FWA)号码是00031514. (7/22/2026到期)


Applicants must provide a certificate of course 完成 for the protection of human research participants issued by an agency that provides Human Research Subject training, e.g. 合作院校培训计划(CITI). 花旗是一个财团,由北园和学生认购, faculty and staff can obtain Human Research Subject training free of charge when they identify their affiliation with North Park University upon registering for CITI Account Access at the CITI site. 培训证书应附在完成的证书后 应用程序.

有关注册花旗帐户访问的说明可在 IRB表格页.

每当需要NPU伦理委员会批准研究时, the person responsible for the research — typically the principal investigator (PI) — must submit a completed 应用程序. 有几个组成部分 应用程序.

The NPU IRB will determine first if the 应用程序 falls under its purview; if it does not, 或者由于某种原因可以免于NPU审查委员会的审查, the 应用程序 will be returned to the applicant with notification of the assessment. 如果申请被审查, it may be 1) approved; or 2) provisionally approved pending clarification, 完成, and/or recommended changes; or 3) returned to the submitter requiring that additional safeguards or other significant amendments be incorporated for resubmission; or 4) not approved with notification sent to the applicant with the reason(s) given.


The 应用程序 should be submitted to the chair of the NPU IRB at least ten days prior to a regularly scheduled meeting of the NPU IRB. 你可能 联系NPU IRB主席 为定期会议的时间表.


Classroom projects designed to teach students about research are exempt as long as they are not being presented outside of the classroom; this includes not presenting information online through blog posts etc. 请填写 课堂研究IRB表格.

Research on your own teaching or pedagogical research is also often, though not always, exempt. However, it is the IRB that makes this determination and the researcher must complete an 豁免IRB申请.

There are other categories of research that are exempt from continued IRB oversight, 但所有这些都要求研究人员完成一份 豁免申请 以及内部审查委员会作出决定. Any research with prisoners is never able to be exempt and research with minors (<18 years old), or pregnant women is rarely able to be exempt and depends on the exempt category.


In certain circumstances the 应用程序 may be eligible for an expedited review. 如果有的话, it will be reviewed by the chair of the IRB and at least one other experienced member of the committee. 快速审查可以被拒绝,建议进行全面审查,或者接受. 加急审查将在收到之日起14天内进行.


  • Collection of data through non-invasive procedures routinely employed in clinical practice, 不包括涉及x射线或微波的手术. Where medical devices are employed, they must be cleared/approved for marketing.
  • 收集材料的研究, 或将只收集作非研究用途.
  • Research that does not involve deception or any potential harm to the subject (either directly or indirectly).
  • 继续审查先前由召集的内部审查委员会批准的研究.

Below is a summary of the type of proposals approved by the North Park IRB over the past four years:


学年 免除 加快审查 完整的检查
2017–18 5 16 2
2018–19 5 16 1
2019–20 12 7 3
2020–21 11 6 2
2021–22 5 8 0


申请人将以书面通知的形式获得批准. The approval is valid for one calendar year from the date on that notification. The applicant has an obligation to inform the IRB chair of any changes that are made to the procedures or any problems encountered that may increase the risks to subjects and/or may compromise confidentiality and the protection of subject identities. 这应该通过提交 协议修改表. 如果申请人希望延长学习时间, 而且几乎没有修改, an expedited 应用程序 should be submitted to the IRB chair at least one month before the approval expires.


下载 申请表及其他IRB表格.
